Becoming the most awesome single dad is our new episode of The Smart Divorce with Deborah Moskovitch. Dads often get under played in society and the media…..Disney dads, born again fathers, dads that disappear from their children’s lives…..and then there’s our guest Joel Schwartzberg.

Joel is an award-winning humorist, personal essayist and screenwriter whose work has appeared in NewsweekThe New York Times MagazineNew Jersey Monthly, The New York Post, The New York Daily News, The Star Ledger,, and in the flimsy pages of regional parenting magazines around the country.  He’s the author of The 40-Year-Old Version: Humoirs of a Divorced Dad, a unique and award-winning collection of funny and personal essays that examine how divorce reinvents relationships with kids and one’s own sense of Dadhood.

Joel offers great tips and insights on being a part-time Dad in a full-time life — a meaningful interview for any parent, particularly the millions who’ve gone through divorce with their senses of humour intact.

Topics include:

  • Putting a spin a heart wrenching situation and finding the humor in life
  • “Lazy Dadurday” offer a glimpse into those special moments and new routines with dad after a split
  • Top Ten Things Divorced Dads Need to Realize
  • What Remarried Dads Owe Their Stepmom Wives
  • And so much more….

To hear this most awesome interview, click on the link

More about Joel’s book, The 40 Year-Old Version can be found at:

Further Reading about the Single Dad

As father’s day nears my radar has been more tuned into reading articles about single fathers.  The articles below highlight the trials and tribulations of single dads and the appreciation and kudos they have received.

Please post your comments and share your thoughts.  And if you are a father reading this post — Happy Fathers Day!

My father was a single dad ahead of his time

Micah Toub

I used to be my father’s wife.

I mean that in the most old-fashioned, sexist way. I know things have changed, but when I think of the word “housewife,” I still see the 1950s illustration of a woman behind an ironing board, happily removing the creases from her husband’s work shirts and slacks. Replace that aproned woman with a glum teenaged boy and that’s me at 13 years old.

After my parents’ divorce, I lived with my father. He decided that it would be my duty in our new household to iron our clothes. Since my T-shirts and jeans didn’t need it, this really meant that it was my duty to iron his clothes

To read the whole article click on the link:

Juggling life as both Mr. Wallet and Mr. Mom

Sarah Hampson

Deadbeat dads, ghost dads, Disneyland dads, Santa daddies: The divorce culture is rich in labels, especially ones that reduce men to negative stereotypes.

Some may be warranted, but the trouble with simplistic labels is that they rarely shed light on the complex truth of reality.

What is forgotten is that fathers have their own painful adjustment to divorce that is different than that faced by mothers.

I have heard some of that truth from men who write to me and agree to tell their stories.

If the stereotype is that men have a tendency to suffer in silence, the reality is that they no longer want to.

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