
Hear from Our Satisfied Clients

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Hear from Our Satisfied Clients

Hear from Our Satisfied Clients

Transform your life and achieve your goals with professional and personalized support.

Empowering You to Achieve Your Goals and Live Your Best Life

Expert guidance and support for creating a fulfilling life on your terms

Dr. Daniel T. Ashbourne, C. Psych
The Centre for Children & Families in the Justice System (CCFJS)

I found The Smart Divorce Guide most informative and helpful and an excellent resource for families involved in the process.

Mark Baer, Lawyer, Pasadena California

It is possible to have what Deborah Moskovitch refers to as a “Smart Divorce.” However, it requires educating yourself before making mistakes you will later regret. Life is like physics, in that for every action there is a reaction – cause and effect. Each and every thing that we do (or opt not to do) is typically the result of a choice we make. The choices people make during the course of their divorce or other family law proceeding will most certainly impact the outcome. A great many people have had destructive divorces…The manner in which you end a relationship determines whether your family will be functional or dysfunctional from that day forward. As I frequently say, outcomes are often determined by the way in which the “game” is designed.

Library Journal

“Comprehensive and well-done. Highly recommended.”

Jon M. Garon,
Director of Law & Informatics Institute, NKU Salmon P. Chase College of Law

“Will bring comfort and understanding to anyone making the myriad decisions involved in a divorce”

Dr. Richard A. Warshak, author, Divorce Poison: Protecting the Parent-Child Bond from a Vindictive Ex

“Follow this book’s advice and you will save a lot of heartache, misery, and money.”

Steven Sabados and Chris Hyndes, The Steven and Chris Show, CBC

“Your book is brilliant, it will help a lot of people.”

A reader, Jane, in Boston

“I could not put it down I felt like it was written for me.”

– GC, Los Angeles California

“Your book that I ordered finally got here a couple of days ago and I started reading right away. …I’ve found it very helpful especially it relates to true life experience. It sure is a “must read” for anyone going thru divorce.” 

Brahm Siegel, Lawyer, Toronto Ontario

“Coaching in guiding my clients through the difficult and often painful process they experience makes my job easier. Clients have a better understanding of the divorce process, are more grounded, and confident and calmer when making decisions. She deals with the emotional aspects so that can focus then on the legal issues. They are better prepared with questions and more organized as a result. She is warm, empathetic, smart, strategic, and offers value to my team. I have no hesitation recommending her.”  –

Mike McCurley, Lawyer, Dallas Texas

“You are the best non family lawyer specialist I have ever seen!” – 

Stephen Rosenfield, CEO, Come to Agreement

“The Smart Divorce’s line of products offers an outstanding depth of separation and divorce knowledge which will guide any mom or dad down a healthier path.  She’s an outstanding public speaker, empathetic to all parents’ financial and parenting needs, and is a positive influence who can work with legal and mental health professionals.” – 

Sandy Shuler, Family Life Works, Calgary Alberta

“The Smart Divorce book and related articles offer practical and valuable information to help manage the process of separation/divorce.  In her writing and presentations, author, Deborah Moskovitch draws upon her personal and professional expertise to encourage audiences to handle separation/divorce in a thorough, sensible and composed manner. She is a notable resource on this subject because of her great insight and breadth of knowledge. – 

Unlock Better Outcomes With Divorce Coaching

Unlock Better Outcomes With Divorce Coaching

Transform your Divorce and achieve your goals with professional and personalized support.
