How to Make Divorce and Separation Fair and Affordable

Becky Kourlis

Is it possible to go to court and make the processOpens in a new tab. of divorce and separation fair and affordable, less acrimonious and actually helpful? Find out how with Deborah MoskovitchOpens in a new tab. and Steve Peck as we discuss with our guest, Justice Rebecca Love Kourlis of IAALS, access to justice, and what it means for family court litigants. Judge Kourlis is the author of more than 200 opinions and dissents during her tenure as a judge, and also spearheaded significant reforms in the judicial system relating to juries, family law and family lawyerOpens in a new tab. regulation. Her contribution to the justice system is significant and impressive.


IAALS’ Honoring Families Initiative has successfully developed an interdisciplinary model for reaching out-of-court resolutions in cases of separation and divorce.  That model is now at work at the Resource Center for Separating and Divorcing Families at the University of Denver.   They are at work tackling the challenges of the in-court divorce process, identifying the issues and compiling research on a number of fronts.  That research will help IAALS along with some of the best minds in the country to suggest real solutions to improve the system.

We explore:

  • What does access to justice mean for family courtOpens in a new tab. litigants
  • What are some of the access to justice issues facing family court litigants today?
  • Is cost a significant issue in family court cases?
  • How are courts and individual judges dealing with these issues
  • And much more!

If you are contemplating divorce, in the throes of divorce and not sure what to do, then you won’t want to miss the valuable information shared by Becky Kourlis.  Empower yourself with information and knowledge so that you can divorce more holistically to avoid the pain and scars that can emerge!

Listen to the Interview

Questions, comments, suggestions:

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For more ideas on divorce reform and what you can do see Deborah’s article in the Huffington Post –Solving the Problem of Divorce, Have Your Say!

For more information on Sarah Bates – Divorce Consultant visit: thesmartdivorce.comOpens in a new tab..  And for more programs on divorce and life after divorce, visit:

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